Session 51 | The Impact of a Strong IDT on PDPM Payment and Accurate Quality Measures
Day: Wednesday, July 24 Time: 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Type/Topic: Finance and Reimbursement
Room Location: Galin A-4
Session Summary
It takes a village working in unison to ensure appropriate Medicare coverage, that Medicare payment through PDPM is supported, and that your documentation supports accurate Quality Measures. When the Interdisciplinary team (IDT) works collaboratively, instead of staying in their silos, the center and the residents will benefit. As the center's leader, the administrator will benefit from encouraging their IDTs to ask questions when unsure, receive the education they need to succeed and support each other. This session will discuss the importance of communication and collaboration among the IDTs to achieve success.
Carol Maher
RN | Hansen Hunter & Co.
About the Presenter
Carol Maher is a Board certified Gerontological RN with over 30 years of long term care experience. She has worked as an MDS coordinator for large skilled nursing centers, and as director of clinical reimbursement and senior vice president of utilization for large skilled nursing facility companies. Carol has worked as one of the Gold Standard nurses for MDS 3.0, serving on the RAP workgroup to prepare the way for the CAAs for MDS 3.0, and participating on a number of technical expert panels related to MDS, Quality Measures and care planning. She is also a frequent author of articles related to the RAI process and PPS. Carol served as a member of the AANAC Board of Directors for nine years. She is presently serving as the immediate past chair of the AANAC Expert Advisory Panel and as an AANAC Master Teacher of the RAC-CT and RAC-CTA certification courses. Carol is the Director of Education for Hansen Hunter & Co.